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VAT rules for small enterprises – SME scheme
Cross-border SME scheme

Applying the cross-border SME scheme

To apply the cross-border SME scheme, a small enterprise must fulfil the following requirements:

  • The annual turnover of the small enterprise in the 27 EU Member States (Union turnover) in the current and previous calendar year must not exceed EUR 100 000 (or the equivalent in national currency).
  • In addition, the annual turnover of the small enterprise in each Member State where it wants to make use of the VAT exemption (MSEXE) must not exceed the national annual threshold (or sectoral threshold) in the current and previous calendar years (or in the two previous calendar years if so set).
  • The small enterprise needs to file one prior notification in its Member State of establishment (MSEST) to request access to the cross-border SME scheme. The MSEST acts as the contact point with the other Member State(s). 

The whole registration process should not take longer than 35 working days following the date of the receipt of the prior notification by the Member State of establishment. The small enterprise can start to VAT exempt its supplies of goods and services as from the date its MSEST grants the EX number and confirms that the number can be used in the Member State(s) selected.

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    A small enterprise applies the SME scheme (domestic) in its Member State of establishment (MSEST). It wants to make use of the VAT exemption in Member State 1 (MSEXE). The SME submits the prior notification in its MSEST on 3 February 2025. The small enterprise meets the requirements to access the cross-border SME scheme in MSEXE and receives confirmation from MSEST that it can use the EX number in MSEXE on 5 March 2025. 

    The commencement date to apply the VAT exemption in MSEXE is 5 March 2025.

The registration procedure can take longer in specific cases where additional time is necessary to carry out investigations to prevent tax evasion or avoidance. 


The compliance requirements under the cross-border SME scheme are simplified: 

  • The small enterprise is requested to file one single quarterly report to disclose its turnover in the 27 Member States. The quarterly report must be submitted in MSEST. 
  • Small enterprises applying the SME scheme are allowed to issue simplified invoices.

Leaving the cross-border SME scheme

Voluntary cessation: a small enterprise can leave the cross-border SME scheme in one or more Member State(s) voluntarily. Member States, while not obliged, may in that case apply a quarantine period. The effective cessation date depends on when the small enterprise updates its MSEST:

  • the first day of the calendar quarter following this update; 
  • the first day of the second month of the next calendar quarter, when the update is made during the last month of a calendar quarter. 

You can contact the tax authorities of the Member State where you want to leave the SME scheme to get additional information on the consequences of the voluntary cessation (VAT obligations).

Exclusion: a small enterprise can be excluded from the cross-border SME scheme in the following scenarios:

  • Union annual turnover exceeds EUR 100 000: the small enterprise is excluded from the scheme in all Member States and the EX number will be deactivated, except in the MSEST, provided the small enterprise still meets the requirements to apply the domestic SME scheme. The direct consequence is that the small enterprise must comply with VAT obligations in all Member States where it engages in economic activity. A quarantine period applies. 
  • National annual turnover in one or more Member State(s) exceeds the annual national threshold (or sectoral threshold), but the Union annual turnover of EUR 100 000 is not exceeded: the small enterprise is excluded from the scheme and its EX number will be deactivated in the Member State(s) where the annual turnover exceeds the annual threshold or the ceiling for the transitional period. A quarantine period applies. 
  • Assumption that the economic activity has ceased: if tax authorities can assume that the economic activity of the small enterprise has ceased, it will be excluded from all the Member States where it made use of the VAT exemption and the EX number will be deactivated.
  • Bankruptcy is also a cause for exclusion from the SME scheme.

SME scheme and the OSS Union scheme

The SME scheme and the One-Stop-Shop (OSS) Union scheme can coexist. A qualifying small enterprise can VAT exempt its supplies under the SME scheme in its MSEST and/or in other MSEXE while also registering for the OSS Union scheme to declare supplies located in Member States where the SME scheme is not applied. However, it is not possible to apply both the SME and OSS Union schemes at the same time in the same jurisdiction.

In case a small enterprise is excluded from the SME scheme in a Member State for exceeding the annual threshold or the transitional ceiling, it should check whether it could instead apply the OSS Union scheme in that Member State.

You can find additional information and practical examples on the interaction between the SME scheme and the OSS Union scheme in the Explanatory Notes.